Notes on Titus

APPOINTING ELDERS (Titus 1). Like his first letter to Timothy, the Apostle Paul instructs his assistant Titus regarding the church on the island of Crete, to which Titus has been sent as an emissary. One thing that is needed on this island is church elders who are men of integrity and faithfulness. The list for elders here is similar to the one he gives to Timothy in 1 Timothy, chapter 3. Because this is a personal letter involving the care of the early church it is called a pastoral epistle . THE GOD WHO NEVER LIES. We should pause and see a great truth packed into a short statement. "God, who never lies..." (v 2). In the original text it is only three words, "the not-lying God". It means that God is free from all deceit and completely truthful and trustworthy. "God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?" (Num 23:19; cf. Heb 6:17...