Reading Machen
I'm once again appreciating the rich contribution that J. Gresham Machen (1881-1937) has made both in New Testament studies and in apologetics. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, he was educated at Johns Hopkins, Princeton University and Seminary, Marburg, and Gottingen. Ordained in 1914, he taught New Testament at Princeton Seminary from 1906 to 1929. He, along with others, founded Westminster Theological Seminary (in Philadelphia, PA) and served as president and professor of NT until his death in 1937. Among his most significant publications are Christianity and Liberalism (1923), What is Faith? (1925), The Origin of Paul's Religion (1927); and The Virgin Birth of Christ (1930). His popular radio messages have been published in book form as Things Unseen in 2020 by Westminster Seminary Press. Below are some random highlights from my past reading in Machen's books. From Christianity and Liberalism (1923) “The truth is that the life-purpose of Jesus discovered by modern li...