the attributes of God

In our systematic theology class, we are beginning to study the attributes of God. These are the qualities or characteristics of who God is, as revealed in the Bible. 

So, why should we study the attributes of God

1)  To build our trust and confidence in God. As believers we take God at his word, but more, we trust the great and good character which stands behind his word (Eze 36:36). 

2)  For the praise and glory of God. We study his attributes that we might better glorify God with our worship and prayer. Many of God's attributes are expressed in the Psalms, a book given specially to guide our life of praise (Ps 145).

3)  For our comfort and encouragement. In times of fear or doubt these attributes remind us of who God is and what he has promised to be to us and for us (Ps 18:2).

4)  To lead us to the Lord Jesus. Our Savior perfectly embodies the attributes of God and in him we see these qualities embodied (John 14:9; Col 1:15). 

5)  For our growth in character. As Jesus reflects the image of God in perfection, so we (in Christ) are being renewed by the Holy Spirit to that image, and so we will begin to reflect God's good character (Col 3:10).

6)  For the joyful certainty of our hope. God's attributes give us a vision of our glorious future in God's presence (Rev 22:4). We shall behold his face. Come, Lord Jesus!

My wife and I did a little project not long ago, in which we wrote out an attribute for each letter of the alphabet (see picture above). And here's one list of attributes in alphabetical order: 

50 Attributes of God in Alphabetical Order

1)           AlmightyPs 91:1; Rev 1:8.

2)           Alpha & OmegaIsa 44:6; Rev 22:13.  

3)           BeautifulPs 27:4; 96:6.

4)           CreatorGen 1:1; Rev 4:11.

5)           CompassionatePs 103:13; Jas 5:11.

6)           DelivererPs 18:2; 56:13.

7)           ElectingJn 15:19; Eph 1:4.

8)           EternalPs 90:2; Rev 4:8.

9)           FaithfulLam 3:22f; 2 Tim 2:13.

10)      FatherPs 68:5; Rev 1:6.

11)      GoodPs 145:9; Nah 1:7.

12)      GloriousIsa 40:5; 2 Cor 4:6.

13)      GraciousPs 145:8; Rom 5:21.  

14)      Holy1 Sam 2:2; Isa 6:3.

15)      HealerEx 15:26; Isa 53:5.

16)       Infinite (immeasurable) – Ps 145:3; Rom 11:33.

17)      Invisible1 Tim 1:17; Heb 11:27.

18)      JudgeGen 18:25; 1 Pet 4:5.

19)      JustifierJer 23:6; Rom 3:26.

20)      KingPs 47:2; 1 Tim 6:15.

21)      KindHos 11:4; Eph 2:7.

22)      LordEx 6:7; Rev 19:16.

23)      LivingPs 42:2; Heb 12:22.  

24)      LoveRom 5:8; 1 Jn 4:8.

25)      Light1 Tim 6:16; 1 Jn 1:5.

26)      MercifulPs 103:8; Tit 3:5.

27)      NearPs 34:18; Ac 17:27.

28)      OmniscientPs 139:4; Lu 12:6.

29)      OmnipresentPs 139:7.

30)      OmnipotentJer 32:27; Dan 4:35.

31)      PatientEx 34:6; 2 Pet 3:15.

32)      ProtectingPs 41:2; 1 Jn 5:18.

33)      ProvidingGen 22:14; 1 Tim 6:17.

34)      RedeemerEx 6:6f; Tit 2:14.

35)      RevealerIsa 55:11; 1 Cor 2:11f.  

36)      Righteous – Ps 89:14; Isa 11:5.

37)      SovereignIsa 46:10; Eph 1:11.

38)      SpiritJn 4:24.

39)      Self-existentEx 3:14; Isa 41:10-11.

40)      TrinityMatt 3:16f; 28:19. 

41)      TranscendentPs 113:4; Jer 23:23f.

42)      TrueRom 3:4; Tit 1:2.

43)      UnchangingMal 3:6; Jas 1:17.

44)      VictoriousProv 21:31; 1 Cor 15:57.

45)      WiseIsa 28:29; Rom 11:33.

46)      WonderfulIsa 9:6; 25:1.

47)      eXaltedPs 46:10; Isa 33:5.  

48)      eXcellent Ps 150:2; Isa 28:29.  

49)      Yahweh (I am) – Ex 3:14; Jn 8:58.

50)      ZealousIsa 9:7; 59:17.



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